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In a Texas Minute Page 18

  Bending her head, she said, “It doesn’t matter, really. Because I love Alex enough for the both of us.”

  “And you’ve told him that?” Gayle prodded.

  Sierra lifted her head to look at all three women. “No. I couldn’t. Not knowing how he feels, well, I don’t want him to think I’m pressuring him. If he does fall in love with me, I want him to do it on his own. I want it to be real.”

  “But if he doesn’t know how you feel,” Gloria pointed out. “And—”

  “You don’t know how he feels,” Christina finished. “Then the two of you are going to be going through this marriage as blind as bats. Your relationship can’t thrive and grow if you’re holding back your feelings.”

  Sierra’s brown eyes darkened with shadows of doubt. “But what if he’s only marrying me so that he can be Bowie’s father? He loves the baby very much.”

  “And so do you,” Gayle reasoned. “But let’s face it, Alex is a stud. He doesn’t have to marry you to get a son.”

  “That’s right,” Gloria said gently. “Alex is marrying you because he loves you. I’d bet some of Jack’s money on that,” she teased.

  They all laughed and Sierra suddenly realized her sisters and friend were right. She had to be honest with Alex. And tonight she would be.

  Her eyes misty, Sierra smiled at the three of them. “Okay, now that I know what I have to do, would someone help me with my veil?”

  A few short minutes later, Sierra came out of the dressing room with her maid of honor and bridesmaids in tow. Her father was waiting for her in the vestibule and his proud, fatherly smile beamed from ear to ear when he spotted his daughter moving toward him.

  Her wedding gown, a gift from her two sisters, was white, floor-length silk. The princess style was fashioned with a sweetheart neckline that dipped to a low V between her breasts and a gored skirt that flared out from her slender waist. The long sleeves of Chantilly lace narrowed down to a point atop her hand, which was shaking, in spite of the pep talk Gayle and her sisters had given her.

  Adjusting her bouquet of white lilies and Texas bluebonnets, she slipped her arm through her father’s and he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “I have never seen you look more beautiful, my daughter. I wish you every happiness in the world. No one knows, more than me, how much you deserve it.”

  Afraid her eyes were going to fill with tears, she blinked rapidly and smiled up at him. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered. “Thank you for always loving me.”

  Beyond the vestibule the “Wedding March” began to play and Sierra watched her father’s brown eyes fill with tears.

  “It’s time to go, honey. Your man is waiting.”

  They moved forward to the entrance of the church, then stepped onto the aisle leading to the altar where candlelight flickered and white lilies draped an archway.

  On either side of Sierra and her father, the pews of the small church were filled with family and friends, but she was only partially aware of the attending crowd.

  Behind the filmy white layers of netting, her gaze was focused on Alex standing tall and handsome at the altar in a dark suit. His eyes were locked on her, as if there was no one else in the room, or even the world, and in that moment all she could think was how very much she loved him.

  During the past week the Calloways had flown down from Dallas and met with Sierra’s family. The Mendozas had kindly invited them to stay in their home until the wedding took place. Maria and Jose had also prepared a magnificent reception for the newlyweds at Red. A live band played a variety of dance music and long tables were laden with some of the most delicious dishes the restaurant had to offer. An enormous tiered wedding cake, complete with bride and groom on top, finished off the celebration.

  By the time the two of them were finally able to sneak away from the party, the sun was dipping low and they had less than an hour to make it to the airport in San Antonio.

  During the flight south, Sierra drifted off to sleep with her hand wrapped in Alex’s and her head resting on his shoulder. It was the first peaceful minute they’d had all day and though Alex tried to sleep, too, he couldn’t close his eyes, much less think about sleeping.

  Sierra was finally his wife. It was amazing how much that meant to him and how desperately he’d wanted their marriage to happen. He’d never thought he could feel this protective about any woman. He’d never believed he could want one so much, or love one so deeply.

  It had taken Alex a long time to realize just how strong his feelings for Sierra were. Years, he supposed, because ever since their college days, something had always drawn him to her. Something had made him so frustrated with the boyfriends she’d dated. And he’d hated the way she was always caring for some downtrodden soul instead of herself.

  That last thought put a wan smile on Alex’s lips. Funny how that caring heart of hers was the very thing he adored about her now. Which only proved that love had the power to change a person.

  Sierra groaned faintly in her sleep and Alex glanced down to study her face in the muted light. Her thick lashes rested like black crescent moons against her cheeks, her rosy-pink lips were slightly parted and so inviting even in slumber. The beauty of her features only made the unrest inside him whip up to all-out worry.

  Sierra loved Bowie. He’d heard her say it time and again. No one had to tell him that she would do anything and everything to hold on to her baby. Did that also include marrying him? Alex wondered. Was that the only reason she’d accepted his proposal?

  Maybe his fears were unwarranted, but he couldn’t forget the fact that she’d never once mentioned love to him. Oh, she wanted him, just like he wanted her. But was that as far as it went with her? Sex and insurance that Bowie would finally be legally hers? Dear God, he didn’t want to think that way. Especially on their wedding night.

  But tonight was not his real worry, he realized. It was their future and if his love for Sierra was enough to keep her by his side.

  Eventually the two of them landed in Brownsville and took a rental car to Padre Island. The hotel where they had reservations was located directly on the beach and the French doors in their room opened onto a balcony that looked out over the rolling gulf.

  Sierra was entranced by the beautiful sight and kept repeating to Alex how wonderful he was to bring her to such a romantic place.

  “Why wouldn’t I bring you to a romantic place?” he teased as he stood beside her on the balcony, his arm draped loosely against the back of her waist. “Honeymoons aren’t science field trips.”

  Laughing softly, she turned and slipped both arms around his waist. “Hmm. Just goes to prove a woman can learn something every day. So if we’re not here on a field trip to catch butterflies, what are we going to do?”

  “What a brazen hussy you are, Mrs. Calloway,” he teased affectionately.

  She smiled up at him and his heart caught as he watched the sea breeze tease her wet black curls and lift the ruffle of her low neckline. Only moments ago, she’d stepped out of the shower and Alex couldn’t forget that underneath her thin robe was her beautiful naked body.

  “It’s you who made me this way,” she said playfully.

  Her robe was made of some sort of sheer fabric and the heat of her body warmed Alex’s hands as he splayed them against her back and drew her forward.

  “Hmm. Then I’ve done something right for once in my life.” Bending his head, he gently settled his lips over hers. At the same time he felt her arms try to gather him closer, her lips part with hunger. The simple invitation was more than enough to fire his blood and he deepened the kiss until they were both heaving for air.

  “Sierra,” he said raggedly. “It’s been hell not making love with you these past weeks. I didn’t know I could hurt for someone the way I’ve hurt for you.”

  Her hands came up to cradle his face and she pushed at the hank of hair the sea wind had blown into his eyes. “I’ve taken a few cold showers myself,” she admitted.

rise arched his brows. “Really?”

  She laughed softly and the sound buoyed his heart. If he could only hear that sound for the rest of his life, he’d die a happy man.

  “Alex, surely, when we were together weeks back, you could see, feel how much I wanted you.”

  Wanted? What about loved? What’s in that sweet, giving heart of yours, Sierra?

  The questions were on the tip of Alex’s tongue, but he bit them back with a groan that betrayed some of the anguish he was feeling.

  “I hope you didn’t waste money on one of those flimsy negligees. I don’t want to wait while you lock yourself inside the bathroom and dress yourself up for me. You’ll look beautiful enough with just this on,” he said, lifting her left hand to his lips and kissing the gold band on her finger.

  Her chuckle was more like a sexy growl. “I didn’t bother buying any sort of sleepwear for our honeymoon. Not when I knew I’d only be wearing it for a few seconds.”

  “Come here, my wife.” With a husky laugh, he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A dim pool of light coming from the bedside lamp illuminated the king-size bed. After Alex had deposited her on the edge of the mattress, he reached down and clicked off the artificial light. Instantly the room was bathed in soft moonlight and the silver glow reflecting off the ocean.

  Sierra watched him toss away his shirt and shorts and then she stood, only inches in front of him, and loosened the tie at her waist. As soon as he touched her shoulders, the flimsy material slid to the floor.

  She could hear his breathing quicken as he reached out and touched one breast and her pulse began to race with sweet anticipation.

  “Today when I saw you walking down the aisle toward me, I was certain you could never look more beautiful,” he whispered. “But tonight you look like a goddess.”

  Smiling, she stepped closer and slid her hands down the planes of his shoulders. “That’s because you turned out the light.”

  His hands closed around her waist and drew her against him. Sierra’s blood began to sing as his hands cupped her buttocks and his arousal stirred against her belly.

  “I can see just fine, Mrs. Calloway.”

  Rising on her tiptoes, she curled her arms around his neck and turned her lips to the side of his face. He quickly twisted his head to find her mouth and Sierra moaned with pleasure as his lips roamed greedily over hers.

  Continuing the kiss, he nudged her backward until her calves hit the side of the bed, then, gently, he eased the both of them down on the mattress.

  Once he broke the contact of their lips, they were both gulping for air and Alex whispered against the curve of her neck. “I need you so much—so much.”

  And she needed him for the rest of her life, she thought, as love swelled her heart to the bursting point.

  “Let me do something about that,” she murmured as desire began to grip her like a tight glove. She pushed at his shoulder until he was lying on his back and then she straddled his hips.

  “Baby. Baby! You’re too good to me,” he muttered in a hoarse voice.

  Leaning forward, she cupped her palm against his cheek. “My husband,” she whispered fervently, then, bending lower, she placed her lips over his.

  With a growl of fierce need, Alex thrust himself inside her and let the hungry rhythm of her body carry him away.

  Later, after the heat of their bodies had cooled, Alex drowsily stroked the back of Sierra’s long hair.

  “Alex?” She propped her head on her hand and studied his face in the moonlight.


  “Let’s go sit on the beach. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  “The beach! Good Lord, woman, it’s way past midnight, can’t you talk right here? This bed feels awfully good, especially with you in it.”

  She slid a finger down the middle of his chest until she reached his navel. Once there, she hesitated, then dared to slip her hand a bit farther.

  “Yeah, but just think how good it will feel to get back in it,” she softly purred.

  “God, I must have been out of my mind,” he exclaimed good-naturedly as he rose up and flung the sheet off both their legs. “All these years I thought you were some meek little thing that got her kicks from books. Boy, did I have you pegged wrong.”

  Even though he was teasing, his comment thrilled Sierra. For a long time, even before she’d ever dreamed of having him for a lover, she’d wanted him to think of her as sexy and sultry and a woman who could turn a man’s head and keep it turned. But when one man after another had left her flat and the last one had accused her of being boring, she’d doubted herself as a woman capable of attracting any man.

  Now Alex made her feel beautiful and sensuous and wanted. If she tried to tell him in a million words how empowered that made her feel, he still wouldn’t understand.

  “You’ll survive,” she promised as she jerked on a pair of shorts and a halter top.

  Seeing she wasn’t about to relent on her purpose, Alex pulled on shorts and a shirt, leaving the latter unbuttoned to the muggy air.

  The both of them stuck their feet in leather sandals before they exited the hotel through a side door away from the main lobby.

  The night was very warm, the wind stiff. Alex noticed a half moon was suspended above the ocean and the silver light laced the tide as it rolled onto the wide beach. As he took Sierra by the hand and walked across the warm sand, he wondered how he could get through the days and months ahead without knowing if his wife loved him. If she’d simply married him to secure Bowie’s adoption, he didn’t know if he could stand it. Yet he had to, he realized. He loved her too much to do anything else.

  “Do you think Bowie is okay?” she asked as they found a spot just out of reach of the tide and sank onto the sand. “I miss him so much.”

  He swallowed as uncertainty rolled around in the pit of his stomach. “I’m sure your mother is taking wonderful care of him. And if she needs help, you have two sisters who will be more than willing to lend a hand.”

  “Yes, but he’s used to me. I know exactly how he likes to be rocked and fed—” She stopped suddenly and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Alex. I sound like a fretful mother. That’s not what a groom wants to hear on his wedding night.”

  He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. “I want to hear anything you want to tell me.”

  Oh God, he was so dear, so much a part of her, she thought. If she said something wrong, if she got too emotional and caused a wedge between them now, she’d never be able to stand it.

  Turning her face to the salty breeze, she shook back her hair and breathed deeply.

  “Alex, I didn’t ask you to come down here to talk about Bowie. I think I’m pretty sure you understand how much I love him. And I’m fairly certain that you love him, too.”

  Still holding on to her fingers, he slipped his opposite hand around the back of her waist. “That is the reason I’m making him my son.”

  She released another shaky breath. “He’s important to both of us.”

  “That’s probably an understatement,” he said gently, then, studying her face, he shook his head. “Darlin’, why are you looking so serious? It’s a gorgeous night. We’re on the beach and we have each other all to ourselves.”

  Lifting her chin, she gave him a quavering smile. “You’re right. This night is so special.” She lifted her hand and touched her fingers to his cheek. “That’s why I—oh, Alex, promise that you won’t laugh or ridicule me when I tell you this—”

  “Sierra,” he gently interrupted. “No one has to tell me I’m a stinker at times. But I won’t laugh. Unless you tell me a joke.”

  But maybe he would think it was a joke, Sierra thought sickly. All these years he’d mostly used the word “love” as a sarcastic verb.

  “Alex, the real reason I married you is—”

  Terrified at what she was about to tell him, he touched a finger to her lips. “Before you say
anything else, I have to tell you something. I—”

  “Alex, don’t keep interrupting me!” she scolded gently. “I’m trying to tell you that I love you!”

  Her outburst caught him totally off guard and he stared at her for long moments. “Oh God. Oh, Sierra!”

  His hands came up to cradle the back of her head and he tilted her face upward to the moonlight.

  Her expression puzzled, she asked, “Alex, what are you doing?”

  “I’m looking at you with your face bathed in moonlight and your hair whipping like strands of glossy silk. I want to always remember you just like this.”

  Sierra’s heart was beating so hard and fast she thought it was going to burst from her chest. “Why?”

  The corners of his mouth tilted to a satisfied grin. “Because you’re my wife. The woman I love.”

  It took a moment for her to digest his declaration, but once she did, a whimper passed her lips and she fell forward and buried her face against his bare chest.

  “Alex,” she said through happy tears. “All this time I’ve been afraid to tell you how I felt—because I was certain you could never love me. I thought—I was afraid you were only marrying me because you wanted to be Bowie’s father.”

  He laughed as a joy such as he’d never felt before zinged through his veins and pumped sheer happiness straight into his heart. “Oh, Sierra, you’re not going to believe this. But I thought the same thing about you. I figured you were only marrying me because your chances of adopting Bowie would be much better with a father in the house.”

  Her cheeks wet with happy tears, she flung her arms around his neck and clung tightly. “We’ve been crazy, Alex.”

  “Yeah. And we’ll probably be crazy again. But we’ll get through it. Together. Always together.” Easing her head back, he placed a long, promising kiss upon her lips that left her sighing with contentment.

  “What do you think about starting on a brother or sister for Bowie? He’ll need several, you know,” he said with a sly grin. “Or do you want to wait until we’re married longer?”